President: Corey Newcomb
Vice President, Coach & Player Development: Dustin Marnell
Vice President, Operations: Chris Evans
Umpire in Chief: Scott Eckardt
Secretary: Sandy Hansen
Treasurer: Theo Zunich
Registrar: Jackie McQuillan
Directors at Large: Kent Castonguay, Jeff Ferraby, Mark Henzi, Steve Kachanoski, Colin McQuillan, Curtis Vogt
Past President: Dana Eckardt
Association Positions
Field Maintenance: VACANT
Facilities Coordinator: VACANT
Equipment Coordinator: Curtis Vogt
Website Coordinator: VACANT
Uniform Coordinator: VACANT
Field/Batting Cage Scheduler: VACANT
Sponsorship/Fundraising Coordinator: Colin McQuillan
Junior Umpire Allocator: Alec Wilcox
CRC Coordinator: VACANT
Division Coordinators
5U (Blastball) Division Coordinator: VACANT
7U (T-Ball) Division Coordinator: VACANT
9U Division Coordinator: Kate Blight
11U Division Coordinator: VACANT
13U Division Coordinator: Megan Kielty
15U Division Coordinator: VACANT
18U Division Coordinator: Sandy Hansen
SIBL Division Coordinator: Alex Raiche
Challenger: VACANT
For contact information for any of the above board members, please email info@gordonheadbaseball.ca
If you are interested in volunteering your time to our association, or would like to consider any of the above positions in the future,
please contact our President
1. President
This position is responsible for overseeing all aspects relating to the policies of GHLPBA, along with insuring the conduct of the club conforms to the club house rules, coupled with the policies, principles, rules and regulations of BC Minor Baseball. The president schedules and chairs the monthly executive meetings, along with attending district meetings as required by the Greater Victoria Baseball Association. The president supports all members of the executive, working closely with both VP’s (formerly VP Jr. and Sr. Baseball) to assist with all duties relating to the operation of the club.
2. VP, Coach and Player Development
This position is aimed at enhancing player and coach development throughout GHLPBA and will be responsible for the enforcement of the Constitution. In absence of the President a Vice-President shall be selected by the Table of Officers to assume all duties relation to that position. The VP is responsible for planning, organization, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of all development and educational programs for coaches and players at all levels.
3. VP, Operations
This position is responsible for overseeing all aspects relating to GHLPBA and will be responsible for the enforcement of the Constitution. In absence of the President a Vice-President shall be selected by the Table of Officers to assume all duties relation to that position. The VP supports all division coordinators, along with being responsible for overseeing all fields/clubhouse activities. The VP works closely with the executive board to ensure all areas in baseball operations such as sponsorship, scheduling, field and clubhouse maintenance etc are completed.
4. Secretary
This position shall record and prepare the minutes of all meetings and such business as deals with the Association, and will receive and reply to all correspondence pertaining to the business of this association. The secretary shall assure minutes of each meeting are received by the Table of Officers.
5. Treasurer
This position is responsible for overseeing league books and financial reporting. Dispense league funds as approved by the President and executive. Shall prepare and present financial statement reports for the Annual General Meeting and monthly reports that coincide with board meetings. The Treasurer process the Gaming Application to the Province. The treasurer will assist the President as necessary regarding all aspects of club financial matters.
Qualifications: Shall have experience in financial accounting or bookkeeping.
6. Umpire in Chief
This position shall be responsible for administration of House Rules; shall make recommendations to the Board on matters of discipline of members, coaches, players, umpires and spectators; shall be the liaison between the Board and the umpires; shall represent the Association at meetings with other UIC’s from the Greater Victoria area and shall maintain the Associations Codes of Conduct. The are responsible for overseeing all necessary duties in relation to umpires for all Divisions including recruiting umpires for the coming season, both adult and youth. Umpire mentor to ensure uniformity in the quality of service. Provide input into the annual review and revisions of the GVBA Universal Rules. Attend monthly meetings and reports to the President and Executive Board as needed.
QUALIFICATIONS: Shall have experience in umpiring, (preferably level 2) and be is able to work well with children in the 9-13 age bracket.
7. Registrar
The registrar sets up and manages the online registration process ensuring that all membership fees (cheques and PayPal payments) are reconciled with registrations and forwarded to the Treasurer. Assists the president concerning questions of eligibility and forwards requests to the President regarding the transfer of players to or from divisions and neighboring associations according to provisions of the regulations of GHLPBA, GVBA and BC Baseball. The Registrar answers all general enquirers (mostly emails) regarding registrations or forwards to respective division coordinators. They are also responsible for issuing tax receipts to all members for dues paid in both the Spring and Fall seasons.
8. Website Coordinator
This newly created position is responsible for overseeing all aspects relating to the promotion of GHLPBA. The media coordinator will work closely with the webmaster and executive, along with a representative from each team to ensure that all upcoming information and club promotion such as team stories and pictures are communicated to the membership as required. Facebook, Twitter etc
9. Uniform Coordinator
This position is responsible for dispensing uniforms at the beginning of the season and collection of same at the end of the season. They work in conjunction with the registrar to ensure that the correct numbers of uniforms are ordered in February that are required for each of the divisions for the upcoming season.
10. Field Maintenance
This position is responsible for the coordination of the maintenance of all fields at Lambrick Park. This includes any repairs required to the playing surface, fencing, dugouts, scoreboards, spectator area, lighting, and other areas as required by the executive.
11. Facilities Coordinator
This position is responsible for the coordination of the maintenance of all facilities at Lambrick Park. This includes any repair/maintenance required to the Clubhouse, concessions, equipment and washrooms.
12. Equipment Coordinator
This position is responsible for dispensing equipment bags at the beginning of the season and collection of same at the end of the season. They work in conjunction with the registrar to determine the equipment required for each of the divisions for the upcoming season.
13. Director at Large
This position is held by previous executive members, usually past presidents.
14. Division Coordinators
The division coordinator conducts annual tryouts, coordinate coaches, distribute coach/manager handbooks to teams, ensure all communication is distributed in a timely manner to all parents. Coordinators are in charge of player selection via a draft format. Separate player agents may also be selected to oversee individual divisions within the league. They work with the field maintenance and facility coordinators to gather volunteers for divisions field Park Clean up. The coordinators for the Novice, Mosquito and Pee Wee divisions are required to attend the scheduling meeting and allocate the fields for all league games and team practices.
15. Field/Batting Cage Scheduler
This position is responsible for field allocation of the main field at Lambrick Park to all Bantam, Midget and The Victoria Eagles program teams. Plus the batting cage for all divisions. The Novice, Mosquito and Pee Wee fields are scheduled by the Division coordinators.
16. Sponsorship/ Fundraising Coordinator
- Solicits and secures local sponsorships to support league operations
- Collects and reviews sponsorship and fundraising opportunities
- Organizes and implements approved league fundraising activities
- Coordinates participation in fundraising activities
- Maintains records of monies secured through sponsorship and fundraising initiatives
- Orders and maintains all sponsorship banners / plaques / product or services taken in kind
17. Technical Director
18. Umpire Allocator
This position is now being overseen at the district level by GVBA.
19. HPC Representative
This position is held by a representative of the Victoria Eagles Baseball Program.